If you look for it on the Internet, you'll find a lot of articles that say it's a load of old crap, if you'll excuse the pun. I've also received my fair share of "out of the blue" questions about colon hydrotherapy from people who only know about it because of the negative press it receives and are thus filled with doubt, disbelief, and distrust of this therapy.

So, I'd like to clear up some of the most common misconceptions about colonic hydrotherapy.

'There have been no studies that show colon hydrotherapy works.'

One of the criticisms leveled by conventional medicine against colonic hydrotherapy is that there are no studies or evidence-based proof that it works. That is correct, and it is unlikely to change.

What we do know is that colon hydrotherapy has real, proven benefits, as shown by the fact that tens of thousands of safe hydrotherapy colon  treatments are done in the UK every year, with great and sometimes miraculous results.

Take, for example, the lady who came to see me because her IBS symptoms of bloating, foul-smelling flatulence, and abdominal pain were embarrassing her and preventing her from eating out. After one session of colon hydrotherapy and a short course of a daily multi-strain probiotic, she felt a lot better.

I don't think the lack of scientific proof that colonic hydrotherapy and probiotics work bothers her at all. Just because there are no "official" studies demonstrating that a therapy works does not mean that it does not work.

Colon hydrotherapy will cleanse the gut of all good bacteria

I constantly hear this one. It's funny, though: people happily take medications, drink alcohol, and eat far too many sugary foods with no regard for the long-term gut flora destruction that results,  - —perhaps weekly—there may be some degradation of the bowel lining, affecting the nuclei of the bacteria.)

It's dangerous and can perforate the bowel.

When administered by a properly trained therapist, modern colonic hydrotherapy treatment is completely safe.

Before starting treatment, I have my patients fill out a detailed medical health questionnaire so I can learn about their medical history and any reasons why treatment might not be a good idea.

The treatment is then carried out in a clean and sanitary environment with single-use, sterile equipment; headaches are gone, their eyes are brighter, and their skin is clearer.

Under low gravity, warm, filtered water is put into the bowel in a very gentle way. This breaks up the stuck stool. A colon hydrotherapist can remove this softened poop and any gas, mucus, or infected tissue from the bowel in a safe and painless way.

'The treatment makes you incontinent.'

In the 15 years I've been doing colonics, I've never heard of anyone having to go to the bathroom more often afterward. I have no idea where this myth originated. People may believe that inserting a speculum into the rectum weakens the rectal muscles, but this is not true.

It has the potential to render you infertile.

Another myth with an unknown origin Colonic Hydrotherapy can't make a woman or man unable to have children, both from a physiological and a mechanical point of view.

And while we're here, you won't see the beer you drank last night, the Lego or marble you swallowed as a child, kidney stones, or gallstones coming down the tube. If you had beetroot, the therapist might see peas, sweet corn, or pink water. It will not make you walk bow-legged, and your daughter's virginity will be preserved!

If you want to learn more about colon hydrotherapy or talk to people who have had it, my Facebook group Tummy Talk is a good place to start. In addition, if you want to find a qualified and registered therapist who can perform the treatment near you, visit the websites of the Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists and the Register of International Colon Therapists and Trainers.
